Test your knowledge on Minecraft with this quick quiz!
This is an information App about Karen Sparck Jones
Encode and Decode your own messages!
This is the description for your new app. You should replace this text with a brief description of your app. Explain what your app is about, and the key features it contains. The description appears in the App Store and gives users a quick introduction to your app.
Calculator App with CSS style
Age Calculator app Made in JavaScript Lesson 1
Random Coin Flipper Made in JavaScript Lesson 2
The app built in the App Builder Basics Lesson
A quick simple word search made on AppShed! (7 words)
ACNH tips
London App
ML AS ComSci
New App
New App
Rarest animals in the world
rama abed 20220782
Qais 20220708
MAJDOLEEN 20222608
mahdeamer :20211188
هذا المشروع المخصص الانجاز الامتحان النصفي
renad 20211428
نوران خليل يوسف نوفل